News & Media

Originally published in Endpoint News, by John Carroll The diabetes drug Teplizumab has taken another step forward in the long, painfully slow trek out of the research and development wilderness, and...

Not to be confused with type 2 diabetes, the most common form of diabetes in which your body does not use insulin properly, type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease which causes the destruction of...

The American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) has awarded the 15th AACR-Irving Weinstein Foundation Distinguished Lectureship to Jeffrey Bluestone, PhD The AACR-Irving Weinstein Foundation...

A study of human and mouse pancreatic tissue suggests a new origin story for type 1 diabetes. The findings flip current assumptions about the causes of the disease on their head and demonstrate a...

UC San Francisco researchers have for the first time transformed human stem cells into mature insulin-producing cells, a major breakthrough in the effort to develop a cure for type 1 (T1) diabetes...