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UCSF has a bold vision to create a first-of-its-kind clinical diagnostic center that will advance precision diabetes research. The goal is to provide a central resource for families with type 1...

Though cancer immunotherapy has become a promising standard-of-care treatment—and in some cases, perhaps a cure—for a wide variety of different cancers, it doesn’t work for everyone, and researchers...

Assistant Professor Martin Valdearcos’ project "Targeting hypothalamic microglia to regulate glucose homeostasis" will investigate the role of microglia during early life, a critical period for brain...

Suneil Koliwad has been appointed Chief of the Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism at UCSF Health, taking over from David Gardner, who retired after a long and distinguished career. "Those who...

The cause of the pancreatic inflammation plaguing a rural California family has been a medical mystery since it was first described 51 years ago. Now genetic sleuth-work by researchers from UCSF and...