

  • Aug 12, 2024: Tang Lab welcomes a new associate specialist, Ying Liu.  Ying earned her master's in pharmacology at Harbin University in China.  She has extensive experience working with various animal models.  She will be working with members of the Tang and Parent Labs in animal models of type 1 diabetes and beta cell replacement therapy.
  • Aug 5, 2024:  Tang Lab welcomes Dora Ogbonna!  Dora is a rising 3rd-year MSTP student at UCSF and part of the joint UCSF and UCB Bioengineering graduate program.  Dora will be working on engineering Tregs to enable synergistic combination therapies for autoimmune diseases.
  • April 4, 2024: Congratulations to Alex Vu for receiving the prestigious 3-year NSF Graduate Research Fellowship to work on human regulatory T cell persistence.
  • April 1, 2024: Congratulations to our newly minted PhD, Pierce Hadley, for completing this PhD dissertation research!  Dr. Pierce's exit seminar will be on April 26th, after which he will resume his MD part of the MSTP training at UCSF. 
  • March 13, 2024: Congratulations to Patrick Ho for his publication in Science Translational Medicine entitled "Harnessing regulatory T cells to establish immune tolerance".
  • Jan 2, 2024: Congratulations to Peng Xiao for receiving a 3-year postdoctoral fellowship award from JDRF to work on "Mechanisms of Parathyroid Protection of Transplanted Islets."
  • Jan 2, 2024: Congratulations to Bhushan Kharbikar for receiving a 3-year advanced postdoctoral fellowship award from JDRF to work on "Local Delivery of Immunomodulators to Enable Systemic Immunosuppression-free Efficient Islet Transplantation."
  • Nov 7, 2023: Congratulations to Roberto Castro Gutierrez for being awarded a postdoctoral fellowship by the CIRM Scholars Research Training Program.
  • Oct 18th, 2023: Congratulations to Pierce Hadley on his publication in Nature Protocols!
  • Oct 1st, 2023: Tang Lab welcomes a new postdoctoral fellow, Huiyun Lyu. Huiyun completed her Ph.D. under the guidance of Dr. Yan Shi at Tsinghua University in Beijing, China, where she investigated intracellular signaling impact on chromatin state and phenotype stability of induced mouse Tregs.  In the Tang lab, she will apply her expertise in Treg biology to investigate molecular control of human Treg homeostasis and function.
  • Aug 31, 2023: The Tang Lab bade farewell to Thibault Leray.  Thibault completed his year-long research internship for his Master's degree program at the Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris Saclay.  He will continue his research training as a Ph.D. student at the Oslo University Hospital with Dr. Else Marit Inderberg. 
  • Aug 21, 2023: Tang Lab welcomes a new postdoctoral fellow, Roberto Castro-Gutierrez.  Roberto completed his Ph.D. training with Dr. Holger Russ at the University of Colorado.  In the Tang Lab, he will be applying his wealth of knowledge and technical skills in type 1 diabetes research to advance Treg cell therapy for the disease.
  • Aug 7, 2023: Alex Vu, together with Maya Arce from Alex Marson lab, is awarded a Symbiont Seed Grant to investigate regulators of human Treg persistence
  • Jul 25, 2023: The Tang Lab welcomes Annie Chan, administrative assistant to Dr. Tang and the Tang lab
  • Jul 25, 2023: Patrick Ho is awarded an ImmunoX T32 training grant to investigate immune cell engineering strategies to safeguard human Treg lineage stability